Planning and design
Good planning and design is critical. Getting the right service model is the foundation for successful service delivery and outcomes. Kalico Consulting has successfully undertaken feasibility studies, service planning and design for a wide range of clients.
Some of the projects we have undertaken include:
Strategic procurement co-design for Child Sexual Abuse Therapeutic Services and Indigenous Healing Services for the Department of Communities (2022 and 2021).
Research paper for the Women’s Council of Domestic and Family Violence Services and the Women’s Community Health Network WA on co-operative models within the women's services sector (2018).
Feasibility study and business plan for a Community Education Program on Global Social Justice Issues for the One World Centre (2014).
Doing the Public Good (2013) - a feasibility study of pro bono models and service design for Western Australia, undertaken for the Community Legal Centre Association of WA and the Law Society of Western Australia.
The Beacon Service Model (2012) for the Salvation Army, Western Australian Division.
Regulation, growth and organisation: what are the options? (2008) - a strategic planning project for the WA Federation of Housing Collectives on community housing regulation, models of co-operative organisation and opportunities for growth.