Engagement and facilitation
Connecting with your community and stakeholders. Kalico Consulting provides advice and assistance in developing and implementing effective internal and external engagement strategies. Examples of our work include:
Engagement forums for the Ready to Go Home project, a partnership between National Disability Services WA and Department of Health WA (2022).
Director General roundtables on Youth Homelessness and LGBTIQA+ Young People for the Department of Communities (2022 and 2021).
City of Canning Homelessness Forum (2021).
Communities for Children Armadale stakeholder engagement forums for Communicare (2021 and 2020).
Regional engagement forum for the Carers Advisory Council of WA (2019).
Statewide consultation forums for the development of the Western Australian Government’s Path to Safety Western Australia’s strategy to reduce family and domestic violence 2020-2030 (2019).
Recovery college consultations for the Salvation Army (2018).
Young people and disability consultation forum for MIDLAS (2017).
Community consultations for Pride WA (2014).
Community consultations for Spare Parts Puppet Theatre (2014).
Development of a community engagement framework for the Regal Theatre Foundation Limited (2012).
Age Friendly Consultation Project to assist the development of an Age Friendly Cities Plan for The City of Fremantle (2010).
Regional community housing consultation forums for the Deparment of Housing and Works (2008 and 2009).
Public discussion paper and engagement strategy for WA Department of Commerce's review into the practice of 'book-up' (2007).